Google Drive In Web Browser

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Google Drive is the cloud drive from Google, just like OneDrive from Microsoft. You can store files, folders, photos, videos, audio and other data in this storage. The Photos and Videos of 'high quality' do not come under this storage. If you want to store the 'original quality' photos and videos, it comes under Google Drive storage.

The blank frames are because Google forbids embedding its login page in an IFRAME (presumably to prevent account stealing), via the X-Frame-Options header, which if set to SAMEORIGIN will cause any well-behaved browser to refuse to load the page if it's not in the same domain (v.g. You can see this in the developer console of. Oct 04, 2020 Three Browser-Direct Ways to Open Files in Google Chrome Method #1 Drag and drop the file from its folder into Chrome. Wait until you see a plus sign before releasing the file.

Complete the steps described in the rest of this page to create a simple browserapplication that makes requests to the Drive API.


Un site internet comporte 8 pages. To run this quickstart, you need the following prerequisites:

  • Python 2.4 or greater (to provide a web server)
  • A Google account with Google Drive enabled

Step 1: Turn on the Drive API

Click this button to create a new Cloud Platform project and automaticallyenable the Drive API:

Take note of the

Google Drive In Web Browser Default

Client ID shown in the resulting dialog.Then click the following button to create an API key in the same project:

Take note of the API Key shown in the resulting dialog.

Step 2: Set up the sample

Create a file named index.html and copy in the following code:

Replace the placeholder in the copied code with the client IDyou created in Step 1.Likewise, replace the placeholder with the API key you created.

Step 3: Run the sample

  1. Start the web server using the following command from your working directory:
  1. Load the URL http://localhost:8000 into your browser.

The first time you run the sample, it prompts you to authorize access:

Google Drive In Web Browser Internet Explorer

  1. Click the Authorize button to open the authorization window.

    If you're not already logged in to your Google account, the window promptsyou to log in. If you are logged in to multiple Google accounts, you mustselect one account to use for the authorization.

  2. Click the Accept button.
Google Drive In Web Browser
Great! Check out the further reading section below to learn more. Bummer, let us know what went wrong. Check out our troubleshooting section below for some common errors and solutions. If you have found a bug in the code, report the issue on GitHub or submit a pull request.

Use Google Drive In Web Browser


  • After the initial user authorization, calls to gapi.auth.authorize that useimmediate:true mode obtain an auth token without user interaction.

Further reading


Google Sign In

This section describes some common issues that you may encounter whileattempting to run this quickstart and suggests possible solutions.

Error: origin_mismatch

This error occurs during the authorization flow if the host and port usedto serve the web page doesn't match an allowed JavaScript origin on yourGoogle Developers Console project. Make sure you set an authorizedJavaScript origin and that the URL in your browser matches the origin's URL.

idpiframe_initialization_failed: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window'

The Google Sign-in library requires that3rd party cookies and data storageis enabled in the web browser. For users that run into this error, prompt themto enable the feature or add an exception for

idpiframe_initialization_failed: Not a valid origin for the client

The Google Sign-in library requires that the domain registered in the GoogleDevelopers Console matches the domain being used to host the web page. Ensurethat the origin you registered matches the URL in the browser.

This app isn't verified.

The OAuth consent screen that is presented to the user may show the warning'This app isn't verified' if it is requesting scopes that provide access tosensitive user data. These applications must eventually go through theverification process toremove that warning and other limitations. During the development phase you cancontinue past this warning by clickingAdvanced > Go to {Project Name} (unsafe).

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